Nathan Romano´s Blog

This blog will bring you the information you have always wanted to have

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Discover The Secret Affiliate Profits

Anouncing our Secret Affiliate Profits Newsletter

Hello, I have something new for you today, and it will cost you ZERO, ZILCH, NADA!

I have a 52 week course covering the Secret Affiliate Profits.

If you want to become a Super Affiliate and earn money online, you need to know what the experts know.

With this course you will have the knowledge you need in order to succeed.

There is nothing to stop you from doing this, and the cost is free, so you have nothing to lose!

Join now, I will might remove the newsletter at any point I feel it gets too overcrowded.


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Monday, August 27, 2007

The importance of the doing


First of all I want to notify you of our recent addition to the site, The Law of Attraction Articles

I am sure you will enjoy them, more will be added soon.

What I wanted to write about today is the importance of the doing.

So many people buy products (like my videos) in hope that by the simple fact of having it or purchasing it will resolve any situation.

They do not actually use the product, they do not read it or watch it, but they still feel that buy purchasing it they have solved their problem...

Later on they say: "This didn't work for me"...

What happens is that people sometime really buy hope, not so much the solution to the problem, just the hope.

A lot of people are stuck with an idea, or limiting belief, that slowly but surely is destroying their lives, yet they do nothing about it.

It has been my quest to prevent that from happening, I have been working, and will continue to work in the hope that some day those people will take the step and actually do what they need to do to change their situation.

I have a student who actually opted on getting my courses rather than buying food!

That to me says "I am committed" and it puts me into high gear to help her with all my might, knowledge and force.

I by no means ask anyone to do that, I was not aware that her situation was that bad to start with, I only realized it after she purchased the product.

But guess what?

Since she is committed to make the change, and I am committed to help her - results start to happen fast!

There is only one thing certain.

If you keep doing the same things you did over and over again, you will continue to get the same results over and over again.

This is why I am giving the subliminal videos as a gift to people, I want their life to improve.

So now you must ask yourself:

"Am I happy with my life the way it is now?"
"Do I have the things I desire?"


"Would NOW! be a good time to start?"

I personally do not care which way you go at with your personal growth, as long as you do SOMETHING about it.

You must take the first step, and then take the next step, and continue in small steps, but soon you will experience great results.

That will be all for now, I hope you enjoy our new article section at


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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

making changes with subliminal audios and videos

It has been proven over time and time again that subliminal audios and subliminal videos have a great rate of success in making changes in the mind.

To all those who are familiar with the law of attraction, you might be aware that one of the ways to make a change in a belief is by repeating the same affirmation over and over again, untill it is picked up by the subconcious as a truth.

With subliminals you can speed up the process, bypasing the consious and going straight to the subcounsious.

Once a new belief is installed in the subconsious, changes and result start to happen.

There is a new site that I have created and I am giving access to free subliminal videos, which will allow yo to use them in order to improve you life.
check it out:

You will find inside Subliminal videos and subliminal audios that will help you in your way to a better you.

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